Tuesday, 14 October 2014

CSC165 Week 5: Proof Structures and the Term Test Oh Yes

Hey everybody, this is your man Kyle here checking in to give you guys a week 5 report on what has been happening in the CSC 165 course. Sorry that this is coming up a bit late but with all everything that has been going on I haven't exactly had the time to post. Anyway, this week we started going over proofs, and the differences between the proof structures of a universal claim and an existential claim. For universal claims, I found that we had to assume a lot of aspects of a statement in order to form a proper proof. For example, we had to assume that all elements were part of a particular set, and, if there was an implication involved, that the antecedent was true (otherwise we would get a free proof due to vacuous truth). Also we could be very general and ambiguous with the examples we provided for our proofs since we were trying to prove a statement that applies to all elements of a set. For existential claims I found that we had to be much more specific and precise, explicitly naming a value that would correspond to an element and going through how that value would make the entire claim true. This was necessary since for an existential claim, it is only necessary to verify one example for the claim to be verified. In general this week's concepts was a lot easier for me to digest and learn immediately and I did not find myself needing to have to repeatedly look over the course notes in order to fully understand the concepts. I was able to understand what was being taught in a short amount of time and I was proud of that. In the middle of all of this we had our term test for this class, I found it rather easy and that it involved a lot of common sense, which, thank goodness, I had that day. The time we had to complete the test was adequate and I felt it was a good introduction to test taking at the university level.

Well that's it for this week's report friends, hope you enjoyed reading about my trials and tribulations and stay tuned for more. How was the term test for you guys? Did you find proof structures relatively simple to learn? Comment below what you guys think. Words are hard, comp-sci is awesome, and later days. This is Kyle Mendoza signing out.

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